Agenda for the September 20, 2023 Meeting of the Hancock Neighborhood Association

Please join us for a Zoom neighborhood meeeting at 7pm Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 7469 6661
Passcode: 846710

The agenda includes:

  1. a (very short) presentation from an intern at Public Citizen about planning for Austin’s future energy needs
  2. updates on the current building applications along I-35, Cady Lofts, the Concordia 14-story apartment and the Harmon/38th St. apartments
  3. recent city council votes
  4. a discussion about neighborhood vacant houses, including 3805 and 3807 Duval St. and 604 Texas Ave.
  5. Neighborhood public health issues
  6. volunteering and participation
  7. revising by-laws e.g. regular meeting dates, by-law votes, non-functioning committees, meeting decorum
  8. update on the Eastwoods neighborhood Landmark Commission demolition permit hearing case